How insulation contributes to sustainable living

 When people think about insulation, the first thing that comes to their minds is usually the color pink. But did you know that insulation can be green as well? It can be green as in sustainable, eco-friendly green! So, besides reducing your energy costs, it can also reduce the toxicity that affects our planet. Moreover, 'the pink' insulation can also be hazardous, affecting our health severely. Luckily, there are many new, healthy options out there that can save our and our planet's well-being and reduce the electrical bill at the same time. So, if you want to find out how insulation contributes to sustainable living, keep on reading.

The Importance of Insulation 

Firstly, let us talk about why insulation is essential for every household. The air in our homes, hot (when heating) or cold (when cooling), moves in all directions until it eventually finds its way outside the house. The point of insulation is to 'seal the home', that is, to stop the movement of the air. If the entire room is insulated, including all walls, floors, and ceilings, the air from the inside will not get out, and the air from the outside will not get in.

Therefore, a well-insulated home is one of the most important energy efficiency trends nowadays- it uses fewer resources and saves money on heating and cooling. And, if you decide to use eco-friendly alternatives for your insulation, you will still get the same result! The only difference is that this result will be good for the environment as it uses safe, recyclable materials.

A well-insulated home is one of the most important energy efficiency trends nowadays.

Some Types of Eco-friendly Insulation 

As mentioned, you can replace the standard, energy-intensive fiberglass with its eco-friendly alternatives. You can find many options nowadays, so make sure you explore them and find one that works best for your household. But, let us give you some ideas! Here are some types of eco-friendly insulation materials that will save the planet while saving you money:

  • Cellulose 
  • Sheep’s Wool
  • Denim
  • Polystyrene
  • Icynene
  • Aerogel

If you have never heard about these materials, it would be best to talk to an expert before making any decisions. Insulating your home is something you will do only once in your life. Thus, make sure it is done perfectly. Moreover, while doing any home project, try to make everything as eco-friendly and sustainable as possible. Insulation contributes to sustainable living only if you choose materials that are good for you and the planet.

The same would apply to moving in and out of your home. Use cardboard boxes instead of plastic ones, or use paper wrap instead of plastic. Apply this rule even when packing for storage (if you are moving or keeping your belongings there while renovating). Always go for the option that is environmentally friendly, even when talking about storage. Safe and 'green' alternatives are out there - apply them wherever you can! 

It is always an intelligent choice to consult an expert before making any final decisions about insulation.

Benefits of Eco-friendly Insulation

Eco-friendly insulation is made from safe and sustainable materials. Natural materials like cotton or cellulose are entirely safe, unlike fiberglass, which can cause health problems on your skin and respiratory organs. Moreover, natural materials help reduce your carbon footprint as you use something that either comes from nature or something recyclable that would otherwise end up in a landfill.

Moreover, another benefit of eco-friendly insulation is that it has lower manufacturing costs. Believe it or not, it takes ten times less to produce wool insulation than a fiberglass one. And, by saving the production energy, greenhouse gasses are reduced too!

Finally, something that you and all of your electric meters will love is that the eco-friendly insulation comes with substantial energy cost savings! This is especially true when using Icyenne, for instance, which can reduce a home’s energy bill anywhere from 30% to 50%. 


As you have seen, insulation contributes to sustainable living tremendously. There are many ways you can save energy in your home, reduce the cost of your (gas, heating, cooling, etc.) bills, and save the planet simultaneously. Of course, each home and situation is unique, so do some research and talk to as many experts as you can if you want to find an option that will work best for you. You can make a list of qualities you want your insulation to have in order of their importance. When you narrow down the search and find a couple of insulation options you like, make a list of pros and cons for each of them until you discover what will suit your home best. Ensure that the insulation you choose helps you improve the condition of your home, your health, and your wallet! 


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