Guide to sustainable living in Manhattan
Manhattan is simultaneously the best and the worst place to live in. There are both pros and cons to living in Manhattan. And not everyone is capable of living here. Manhattan is a very expensive part of New York City to live in. Well, the entirety of New York City is very expensive but there are neighborhoods that are more affordable than the rest of them. But Manhattan is one of the most popular moving destinations. A lot of people want to live in Manhattan and plenty of them are moving to Manhattan because of a job opportunity that they have. But no matter what your reason for moving to Manhattan is , you need to know at least a couple of tips for sustainable living in Manhattan. Hence why we wrote this short guide. Live somewhere you can afford One of the most important things when leaning towards sustainable living in Manhattan is to actually live in a place that you can afford. This will relieve a lot of stress off your back. Manhattan is huge. There are hundreds of bu...